Procurement in Indigenous Communities

Procurement “Did you know?”: View the procurement lifecycle.

The Procurement Books are a series of books to offer guidance to Indigenous communities who want to get better value for their money when they purchase goods and services. The books outline the general procurement principles, procedures and practices for those Indigenous communities interested to establish a procurement process. The books are designed to address many of the procurement challenges associated with Indigenous communities.

The goal of these books are to help Indigenous communities to purchase goods and services including the construction of homes are acquired by the Communities though a process that is fair, open, transparent (gifting), non-discriminatory, geographically neutral and accessible to qualified suppliers, subject only to established procurement policies.

The Procurement books are in PDF format (available in English and French) and include:

  1. Introduction to Procurement in Indigenous Communities

    1. Introduction au processus d’approvisionnement dans les communautés autochtones

  2. Construction & Procurement in Indigenous Communities

    1. Construction et approvisionnement dans les communautés autochtones

  3. Roles and Responsibilities, Construction Documents & Construction Contracts

    1. Rôles et responsabilités – Documents de construction

      et contrats de construction

  4. Pre- Contract Phase – Preparing the Bid

    1. Phase précontractuelle – Préparation de l’appel d’offres

  5. Contracting Phase

    1. Phase contractuelle

  6. Contract Administration Phase

    1. Phase d'administration des contrats

  7. Post-Contract Phase

    1. Phase post-contractuelle

  8. Guides & Resources

    1. Guides et ressources

  9. Terms & Conditions/Definitions

    1. Modalités et conditions / Définitions

Download all the procurement books in one package