A Strong Voice for First Nations Building Officers

The First Nations National Building Officer's Association (FNNBOA) was established in 2003. The name “building officer” was selected because it incorporates the daily activities of a First Nations inspector, whose tasks are many and varied in the community extending beyond the on-site inspection of buildings.

The FNNBOA represents people in First Nation communities who provide residential, commercial and institutional construction and renovation technical services. This includes plans review, inspections, recommending repairs, technical advocacy and advisory services assisting on reserve construction.

The Association has wide ranging objectives in the First Nations building sector, but is primarily a professional association mandated to represent the best interests of members in the broad area of occupational development. Accordingly, FNNBOA has identified key objectives which include:

  • Represent individuals working as technical service providers in First Nation communities

  • Establish national occupational standards to ensure minimum core competencies

  • Establish national certification and accreditation processes

  • Ensure programs and policies for capacity development for this sector

  • Advocate housing policies that will lead to better building and renovation practices and ultimately improve housing conditions in First Nation communities.

FNNBOA Chapters

The FNNBOA network is broken up into seven specific chapters covering British Columbia, the Territories, the Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba), Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador).

FNNBOA Executive

You may contact FNNBOA via email - info@fnnboa.ca or through our Contact page.

Become a FNNBOA member

In this changing world, both personal development and learning must be ongoing, lifelong process. It is most important to anyone involved in First Nation Housing to learn specific content material given the rapidly changing evolution of construction techniques/materials and funding options. Support FNNBOA by becoming a member.


Report: The Beginnings of FNNBOA

Laying the Foundation for a First Nations / Aboriginal Inspectors Association (PDF - version français) - This report focuses on the outcomes of a meeting that was held on March 23 and 24, 2002 in Ottawa. A foundation meeting for what was to become FNNBOA.

One of the key decisions made was to establish an association to represent inspectors serving First Nations and Aboriginal communities. The group also nominated us as co-chairs to help establish this association. The report also identifies other key decisions that were made during the meeting.

FNNBOA Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Objectives 

FNNBOA Vision Statement

FNNBOA is a not-for-profit professional organization that promotes the use and understanding of building codes and standards, demonstrates the effectiveness of how building by laws can improve code compliance and enforcement leading to improved healthy, safe and accessible homes, and recognizes the important role that Certified First Nation Building Officer plays to ensure compliance of these building bylaws.

FNNBOA Mission Statement

FNNBOA’s vision is accomplished by:

  • Representing individuals working as building officers in First Nation/Aboriginal communities which serves as a National Forum with a central contact point to address matters pertaining to the interests of it’s members.

  • Promoting mandatory certification which includes standards of practice and codes of ethics.

  • Promoting and marketing the skills and knowledge of the “Building Officer” and their role in improving housing conditions.

  • AdvocatingBand Councils adopt building by laws as part of their housing policies.

  • Providing information toChief and Council to allow them tomake informed decisions.

  • Building capacity for both First Nations Building Officers and the communities in the area of housing quality.

Objectives of FNNBOA

  • To serve as a national contact for various government agencies, financial institutes and the construction industry on matters pertaining to the interests of its members.

  • Ensure certification is mandatory for all Inspectors

  • Maintaining the National Certification and Accreditation processes

  • Promote capacity development of its members ensuring building officers have the skills and knowledge to carry out inspections on new and existing homes

  • Advocate housing policies related to the adoption and enforcement of building codes and better building and renovation practices

  • Developing and promoting accredited training courses and striving to have the Building Inspector designated as a tradeScope of the First Nations Building Officers Occupation

The title First Nation Building Officer (which is a registered trademark of the association) refers to a professional who uses their training and experience to assess plans and specifications related to the design and construction of all types of buildings and structures. The FNBO ensures that the objectives of structural safety, fire safety, health, accessibility and the protection of buildings are addressed prior to occupancy.

In addition, the FNBO use their training, experience and professionalism to report in an objective manner on the operation, condition, necessary repairs, and safety of existing properties and dwellings through visual and non-intrusive means and through operating normal user controls. Thus, the FNBO takes on responsibilities associated with other occupations including municipal building officials, home/property inspectors, fire inspectors, trainers and in some cases property assessors.

In memory of Richard "Bud" Jobin, past President of FNNBOA

Photo of Bud Jobin

On December 10, 2015, Richard “Bud” Bruce Jobin of Vimy, AB passed away at the age of 61 years. Bud was the first president of FNNBOA, and was a true visionary.