Hire a First Nations Building Officer
In today’s First Nations’ communities, housing is a valuable asset. Whether councils are building homes for their members, or individuals are buying homes, these are major investments. As more communities move towards home-ownership programs, more individuals will be making significant home purchases. Lending institutions will also want to ensure your home is built to code and that your investment will last.
To better protect these investments and ensure homes last for generations, initial quality of workmanship and materials is the foundation. First Nations Building Officers (FNBOs) provide technical services to ensure a solid foundation for your investment.
A FNBO works with band councils and community leaders to make sure the home meets national building-code and other standards. While band councils are the authority having jurisdiction to pass building by-laws, a trained and certified FNBO will make sure these codes are followed and homes are safe.
Read more about hiring a FNBO! (PDF)
Find a Certified First Nations Building Officer
Send us a e-mail stating the nature of the inspection, the location where the inspection is to take place, and your contact information and we’ll send you the list of names of certified First Nations building officers in your local area.
Without complete information, we cannot follow up with you.