
FNNBOA’s newsletter ended production in 2016

2016 - Spring Newsletter  (PDF) - In this issue: A tribute to the late Richard "Bud" Jobin, past FNNBOA president; Pile foundations in First Nations; Jobin's Journal; KWP Naturtech siding and its use in First Nations communities; Land claim settlements - Focus on Housing; and a Q&A on Teleinspections.

2015 - Fall Newsletter (PDF) - In this issue: FNNBOA no longer issuing Certifications; Keith Maracle nominated as new FNNBOA President; a President's message on the need for real and actual change, post the Federal election; an Eagle's Eye on smoke alarms; a new feature, Jobin's Journal; an update on Teleinspections; partnerships with the Government of Ontario; and a story on Bluwood, as a means to fix mould issues in First Nations homes.

2015 - Spring/Summer Newsletter (PDF) - This issue features an Eagle’s Eye article on French Drains - an effective way to keep water away from a building’s foundation. Also, FNNBOA President Bud Jobin’s “President’s Message” in this issue is “Inspectors don’t build bad housing; bad builders do”.

2015 - Winter Newsletter (PDF) - This issue features an Eagle’s Eye article on a very clever solution to a common backfilling problem - when the distance from the foundation walls to the sides of the excavation is excessive, and high-porosity soils must be trucked in for backfilling, the operation is going to be expensive – say hello to backfill boards. FNNBOA President Bud Jobin talks about taking a few inspection steps forward, only to go back a few more in “Nothing’s changed”. Finally, an update from the recent FNNBOA AGM.

2014 - Spring Newsletter (PDF) - This issue features articles on Building Inspections and the failure of the status quo, President Bud Jobin’s message “Don’t let a nickel hold up a dollar” about working to the minimum standards, a recap of FNNBOA’s appearance before the Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples, and a look to the future - “teleinspection”. And, it’s membership time again - you'll find a form on the last page of the newsletter.

2014 - Winter Newsletter (PDF) - This issue features an article published in the National Post on the state of First Nations housing and fire safety, called “First Nations Fire Traps”. As well, FNNBOA President Bud Jobin makes the case for mandatory plan reviews of modular homes. And, it’s membership time again - you'll find a form on the last page of the newsletter.

2013 - Winter Newsletter- Special Edition (PDF) - In this issue FNNBOA President Bud Jobin tackles the “Do for Now” fixes to First Nations housing - these so called solutions are poorly, and often dangerously so, executed patches that simply do for now. They won’t do. They need to stop.  The issue also looks at the importance of including permits and zoning laws in comprehensive community plans. Also, we look at Prince Albert Grand Council’s (PAGC) Engineering and Technical Services (ETS) Technical Specifications for housing.

2012 - Summer Newsletter (PDF) - This issue features an extended interview with ventilation trainer Bill Crist and President Bud Jobin’s take on a the World Indigenous Housing Conference and presenter Mike Holmes of “Holmes on Homes” fame.

2012 - Spring Newsletter (PDF) - This issue features an article on “The Importance of Building Codes and Zoning Laws: A Case Study” (looking at Whitecap Dakota First Nation), and “Eagle’s Eye on Normal Operating Exhaust Capacity”.

2012 - Winter Newsletter (PDF) - This issue features an article on Kettle Point First Nation - “Kettle Point First Nation Tackles Building Permits”, and a message from FNNBOA President Bud Jobin on building maintenance and building maintenance workers.

2011 - Spring Newseltter (PDF) - This issue features articles on the role FNNBOA plays to help build better First Nations communities, an excellent President’s Message on the often substandard treatment First Nations housing gets in terms of quality of materials, an Eagle’s Eye on Housing focused on community planning materials for First Nations communities, a “Join our network!” message from the First Nations National Housing Managers Association (FNNHMA), and a case study on the Tsuu T’ina Nation Building Process.

2010 - Winter Newsletter (PDF) - This issue features stories on “An Integrated Approach to Improving Housing Conditions”, the President's Message on Community Comprehensive Planning, ACTC Deck Design and Construction Guide—An interview with author Glen Hartz, Eagle’s Eye on Housing: Mould Awareness Materials for First Nations Communities and an overview on "Universal Design"

2010 - Spring Newsletter (PDF) - In this issue, we look at the change in construction materials over the years, a look at the CEAP program, the differences in compliance in First Nations communities - INAC vs. CMHC vs. NBCC and Eagle’s Eye on Housing looks at fall prevention and embodied energy.

2009 - Winter Newsletter (PDF) - This issue addresses “Qualification vs Certification” for home inspectors, common missed maintenance items, the assessment of renovation projects, an update on FNNBOA activities and a member profile of Durwin Chartrand.

2009 - Spring Newsletter (PDF) - Our most thought provoking issue to date. Topics include: Having Jurisdiction and Building Homes: Who is Responsible?; Insurance in First Nations Communities; Errors & Omission Insurance—Challenges Facing FNs; and Authority Having Jurisdiction: Exercise Your Powers Via By-laws.

2008 - Fall Newsletter (PDF) - This jam-packed issue includes: information on CMHC’s “Basic Home Maintenance” course; the FNNBOA President’s Message; in update on FNNBOA’s activities over the past year; an AGM update; an Eagle’s Eye story on ventilation; information on FNNBOA’s Building Permits program; an article on CMHC and the Aboriginal Firefighter Association of Canada’s manual and DVD “Fire Prevention in Aboriginal Communities”; and a profile on FNNBOA member Tracy Howse of Conne River, Newfoundland.

2008 - Spring Newsletter (PDF) - This is our biggest newsletter yet - 12 pages! Articles include: “Hire a First Nations Building Officer (FNBO)”; Health Housing Awareness Session; Constructing Better Homes with Building Permits; an update from the Saskatchewan region; Eagle’s Eye on Housing “Fabric Forming”; plus profiles and the revised technical qualifications for housing inspectors under contract to CMHC.

2007 - Winter Newsletter (PDF) - Stories include information on the FN Marketing Housing Fund criteria, several Eagle’s Eye on Housing articles, an update on the recent AGM and profiles of Vince Genereaux, Dan Butler and Alex Mirhady.

2007 - Spring Newsletter (PDF) - The Spring 2007 issue of Building Better includes articles on FNNBOA’s internship programs, online training and certified members, plus several new member profiles, and much more. Also, there is a notice about our switch to digital delivery online. Check the above link for more information.

2006 - Fall Newsletter (PDF - version français) - The fall 2006 issue brings with it a fresh look that’s easier to read. Topics in this issue include stories on governance and housing bylaws, objective-based codes, on-line training and several FNNBOA member profiles. Additionally, Eagle Eyes on Housing looks at indoor air quality and crawl spaces.

2006 - Spring Newsletter (PDF - version français)- The spring edition features profiles of FNNBOA members, the new Eagle’s Eye segments, and much much more.

2005 - Spring Newsletter (PDF - version français)  - Our second edition features details on FNNBOA events, FNNBOA’s new Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, information on the new Certification Council and much more.

2003 - Summer Newsletter (PDF) - Welcome to our premiere issue of the FNNBOA News, which will be published and sent to all First Nations building officers. In our inaugural issue you will find a bit of background on what's been happening with your organization and equally as important, what will be happening in the coming months. We briefly cover some of our recent milestones of which there are many, as can be expected for a developing organization like the First Nations National Building Officers Association.